Standard GPS delivers accuracy levels of 5 to 10 m, great for leisure and non-critical operations, but not suitable for industry or applications that require a higher level of accuracy and confidence in their positioning.
DDK positioning describes its technology as an error remover and disrupter. GPS on its own provides a level of positioning that is unprecedented and is now woven into the fabric of society. But it has its limitations, namely accuracy. The technology essentially removes the errors experienced in the standard GPS service and delivers a resilient and accurate service of 5 to 10 cm in real time.
Kevin Gaffney is the CEO and Co-Founder of DDK Positioning. He says: “We have grown to this point and [are] about to enter the full operational phase of the business, and this needs a different set of tools and management to deliver the business, and now is the time to get support with these.”
He describes running the business at this point as “feel[ing] my way through the process”. Through the Shott Scale up Accelerator he wants to have a more structured way of scaling up the business and providing the checks that are needed to monitor success and failure points.
The vision for DDK in the next 12 months is to stabilise the business, deliver the current contracts and then bring on at least one additional large-scale strategic partner. For this same period, Kevin wants to ensure the management team is in place to operate the business autonomously, without his daily input and support and allow the board to operate strategically.
Currently DDK’s main markets are marine ($120 million) and land ($900 million). It is looking to have 10 to 15 % of the land market within five years through a partnership model and has already secured a partner in the marine sector, providing the company with 25% of the market share by 2025. The structured scaling up planned through the accelerator will help to ensure it achieves this.